Flower and Vine

Custom Architecture Painting


We love working on custom architecture paintings -- in fact, this is how Flower and Vine got started! These non-technical architecture renderings are a great way to remember your special place, moment, or experience. These renderings are done in ink and watercolor on heavy paper watercolor paper. The price includes shipping.


  1. Purchase the custom painting.
  2. Fill out the "Custom Painting Form" found here.
  3. Email the image you'd like painted to info@flowerandvine.com
  4. If you have multiple images you're emailing, please specify which one you'd like to be the "actual" angle/image. Feel free to email supporting images to help clarify the content (ie a closeup of the door, a photo of the flowers in bloom etc).
  5. *Please note timeline -- currently, paintings are estimated 2-3 months turnaround time.

Still have questions? Shoot us an email to info@flowerandvine.com!

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